The future of personal branding

content marketing thought leadership Oct 12, 2022

Marketing yourself in 2023 will NOT be about getting your brand & message in front of more people.

With audiences largely tuned-out, fatigued, staving off burnout, curbing their social usage and reconsidering their spending, their appetite to consume marketing messages has plummeted.

However, they are well and truly open to connecting (and no, I'm not talking about DMs).

I'm talking about being inspired by content and messages that are relevant, contextual and MEAN something to THEM right now.

And the unseen emotional connection which comes from feeling seen, heard and supported during this time.

Not a number to be marketed to.

Not a "lead" to be "converted".

And this is going to be the difference between personal brands that grow in the next 12 months and those that flounder.

Being able to establish meaningful connections with audiences.

And this is not about you having brilliant, useful information to share.

That's a given. I'm sure you have that.

So many people do, but if the bridge to the minds of our audience isn't built there's nothing for them to cross to get to you.

And you don't get this bridge built just by having a fancy photoshoot or cool social media graphics.

Or even a wizz-bang copywriter to make you sound good.

What it IS about may surprise you.

It’s about connecting with your authentic identity in such a deep way, so there's a powerful congruence between everything you do with your marketing, and then being able to express that strategically.

So that people don’t just notice you, they forge a deep bond and are drawn to you.

And you have way more impact.

It might sound a bit weird if all you've consumed are mainstream internet marketing gurus over the last few years.

I get it.

But I can tell you as a marketer of almost three decades - pre and post the advent of social media - this is right where we are right now, and the season we're going into for 2023.

Because it's marketing makes YOU feel good.

And your audience too.


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Nina Christian is a Marketing Futurist & Global Marketing Mentor who helps people do their marketing in a more human way. 

She is a Certified Practicing Marketer (CPM), Life Member and Fellow of the Australian Marketing Institute & AMI State Chair (Vic) and for 20 years was director of Braveda (Winner, Best Marketing Agency, Australian Marketing Excellence Awards).

Several years ago Nina saw the world of marketing shifting – this time as people became their own brands.  With this, she created a new business as a thought leader, combining her expertise in brand building with personal positioning, resulting in a breakthrough praxis known as Marketing Me™.

She has a knack for simplifying the complex which comes from being a hands-on mum to five children, and uses this to turn time-sucking activities into easy-to-follow systems and processes that make a lot of sense and get outcomes fast.

There are different ways to work with Nina based on your situation and organisation size - with all of them you'll see rapid transformation and tangible outcomes fast. Book a chat with Nina here.