Personal positioning and your reputation capital

content strategy thought leadership Sep 12, 2023

Waiting until you are ready to embark on something new to start thinking about how you want to uplevel your brand and position yourself means you will likely pay “opportunity tax” in 3 ways that you could otherwise minimise or even avoid.

A CEO in the professional services space recently confided in me that they were thinking of leaving their position, and in that context, said that in a few months, they would be reaching out to me to tap into my expertise around personal branding and positioning.

While it sounds completely logical, here’s why it’s a big mistake and a massive opportunity cost….

1It takes longer to get on people’s radars.

What most people don’t realise is that there is a ton they can do in their current role (that ironically supports both their current role/remit and future plans) that when it comes time to pick up the phone or have those coffees people are not only willing and open, but excited and honoured to hear from you.

The beautiful thing is, the current employer/business also benefits in the process - as well as you personally - such a win/win and way of embarking on the journey into the next chapter with grace and integrity. 

2. Figuring out your individual value proposition and secret sauce needs some time and space.

Being intentional about building your personal brand leads you through this process but it takes a couple of months to really get things dialled in, because it takes a little while for some of the deeper things (which are the keys to deeper connection with your audience) to emerge and for you to get dialled in and articulated.

However when you have this it exponentially amps up confidence and conviction beyond the "accomplishments and box ticks" so many rely on to open doors. This is powerful for your positioning and personal clarity as well. 

3. You miss crucial reputation-building time that will boost your positioning, elevate your visibility and make you highly sought-after.

This one has the most impact on your bottom line as well as your positioning. Whether that means revenue for your business, earning potential or just stepping up into that position as the go-to and highly regarded expert in your industry, all takes time so my recommendation is start 6 months sooner than you think you need.

That gives you the chance to do it gently, strategically and build momentum. So when you are ready to transition you’ve already got a captive audience and have built reputation capital.

When you focus on the right things doesn't have to be a big time suck – around an hour a week with the right guidance and support - is an hour well spent, one you’ll be thanking yourself for making a priority.

One of my clients who was starting her brand new business just three months ago with zero clients has followed my one-hour-a-week strategy, and had set a goal to sign on 5 new corporate clients – and last night on the call with my Marketing Me®️ members shared that yesterday she signed her 5th client!  And all without spending truckloads of time or money on “marketing” – simply by showing up and “being her” in a way that feels good and fits with her lifestyle too.

If you're a business leader or owner and want to build your company brand - this is definitely the highest-impact marketing activity you could do right now.

Having a "personal positioning" strategy for your team's brand and your company brand-  is markedly more impactful than any other single marketing exercise.  It's way more effective than paid media, not just for visibility but in conversion and customer retention as well. 

If you have a team of people, empowering them to do this in a way that strategically aligns with and supports your firm’s mission, strategy, values and brand message means that rather than building their personal brand independently – means it becomes a win/win scenario, where staff feel so much more engaged and valued in their roles, and as a result, perform better, attract the right type of clients into the business and become natural ambassadors for your organisation.

They might not be the face or official spokesperson of the business, but guarantee if they aren't - that makes what they say and share even MORE powerful and effective. 

If you need help or direction with any of the above send an email and let me know and I’m happy to have a chat.

But either way – know that this doesn’t have to be hard – but it IS very powerful when done in a measured and consistent way over a sustained period of time.

It’s also personally rewarding because it enables you to tap into the things you love and share things that inspire others and so you create impact and a ripple effect as you do it too. And also your team, regardless of their role in the organisations. 

When you have team members doing it the key is to empower them to do it in a strategic, safe and simple way.  

More than anything people are looking to hear from people with encouraging, inspiring messages – THIS is the marketing that’s working right now to build authentic connections and influence.

Most people don't get started or aren’t consistent and so don’t get to experience this – but know that the opportunity is yours for the taking 😊



Nina Christian is a Marketing Futurist & Global Marketing Mentor who helps people do their marketing in a more human way. 

She is a Certified Practicing Marketer (CPM), Life Member and Fellow of the Australian Marketing Institute & AMI State Chair (Vic) and for 20 years was director of Braveda (Winner, Best Marketing Agency, Australian Marketing Excellence Awards).

Several years ago Nina saw the world of marketing shifting – this time as people became their own brands.  With this, she created a new business as a thought leader, combining her expertise in brand building with personal positioning, resulting in a breakthrough praxis known as Marketing Me™.

She has a knack for simplifying the complex which comes from being a hands-on mum to five children, and uses this to turn time-sucking activities into easy-to-follow systems and processes that make a lot of sense and get outcomes fast.

There are different ways to work with Nina based on your situation and organisation size - with all of them you'll see rapid transformation and tangible outcomes fast. Book a chat with Nina here.