Marketing Me: The (Book) Introduction

Oct 20, 2022

“In times of trouble, remember this:
Who you think you are cannot handle this challenge, 
but who you really are can and will.”

These are the words that were given to me just before writing this book.

While away, in an environment where there hadn’t been a single conversation about my business, my programs, my work, much less my book.

When this word landed, my quick-thinking brain figured it had something to do with going home to a busy home life and all the daily challenges involved with that.

I nodded nicely, thinking that it had to do with me rising to the challenge of “doing the things” I want to do (and to be fair, I’m already pretty well all things considered).

So when I was asked about the quote and how it applied to me, I defaulted to “I don’t know”, to create the space to think. Because in that moment, I thought I didn’t know.

When I was probed to go a bit deeper, and take a guess, my gut started speaking to me.

It felt random, but maybe my book?

Immediately as I uttered those words my calm, centered, chilled demenour changed in a flash as tears filled my eyes and that croakingness filled my throat.

With such a powerful and spontaneous emotional response it was clear to all and sundry that of course this was about my book.

I immediately thought, perhaps the challenge was about how I was going to incorporate writing something worth reading in the midst of being a hands on mother to a lot of kids, while running a growing thriving business, and looking after myself.

That’s already a full plate.

But as the questions probed deeper, I realised that wasn’t even what scared me. Because I’ve been at this long enough, to know myself that as an “actionator” I’d find a way to write this book.

I realised the “challenge” being referred to was more about what was going to be IN this book.

Not just making it about useful technical and practical information that you can apply and benefit from – but something that I hope will change your life.

You see, this isn’t the book I was planning to write.

Not for my first book anyway.

It was supposed to be a book about marketing. A book that validated my knowledge, experience and expertise in this space.

And it kind of is. So if you bought it to become better at marketing you won’t be disappointed.

But it’s about so much more.

It’s about discovering your Identity.

And the power that rests behind that process.

And the impact you are able to create as a result of it.

And the more I go along, I realise THIS is the really important stuff.

I have been longing to write this book – eventually.

But the insecure part of me felt that the “technical expert” had to come first.

Now I realise that’s not what the world needs.

We don’t need more information.

We don’t need more smart people telling us what to do.

Because what we need is within us.

But so often we dull that voice by listening to the myriad of voices around us.

When our own voice, our message, our essence and expression – is buried deep beneath, unable to shine and be seen.

When in this time, this is exactly what the world needs to see. Because it’s how we truly connect with people.

I have been on a journey over the last few years discovering my identity – and I”ve witnessed the power that this has had personally, on my business, and yes, even in my marketing.

So I want to start there.

This book is about creating room for you to allow your identity to shine – and infuse it into all you do, yes, there will be big focus on your marketing – because we all need to do this in some way shape or form as we do what we do.

But not limited to that – as what I’m about to share will not only help you with your marketing, it will have a powerful impact on your profession, career, your business, and beyond that, your life.


(Draft) Introduction from my upcoming book Marketing Me: Make Your Mark on the World - due for release early 2023. 

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