How to get clear on what is the ONE THING you want to be known for (and easily referrable for)!

content marketing thought leadership Aug 09, 2022
Like many of you, I’m always on the lookout to find fresh ways to explain what I do.

For some people it’s clear and easy – for others, less so.

Especially when what you "can do" is multi-faceted.

However the ability to explain clearly, and succinctly how you help people is oh, so powerful.

I had a powerful experience this last week which really brought home the commercial value of this.

Throughout this year I’ve been working with a world-class medically trained health coach, and I am finding the experience transformational.

Before working with her I was reading books, blogs, watching videos, trying to piece together all the bits and pieces relevant to me – age, lifestyle, nutrition, movement, hormones, supplements and a gazillion other things.

Even getting sporadic advice from various experts I happen to know.

However I lacked the insight of someone who had a holistic picture of MY  situation AND who knew the ins and outs of all the different aspects of health way better than I did.

So when it came to my health I was putting in the effort, but inwardly feeling unsure if my effort was being directed in the right place!

My health coach Susan is a multi-degree expert in genetics, neuroscience, biochemistry as well as naturopath who has run a wellness clinic for many years.

So what she could “see” in my situation – was way more than I could, based on her experience and expertise.

Yet she doesn’t overwhelm me with information, and that’s the beauty of how she works.

She gives me ONLY what I can take in and do at any given time, and if that’s too much it gets pared back even more.

Here's a beautiful example …..

During my session with her this week I told her that I had deviated from the breakfast plan we’d discussed.

Somehow on the cold winter mornings, I found myself going to oats, and loading it with butter and brown sugar.

Sheepishly I confessed to Susan during our session last week.

Her response was extraordinary.

“That’s great” she said “at least you’re eating. but there’s one thing that I want you to do”, she continued.

“When you make your oats, I want you to grab a handful of walnuts and add them to the dish”.

“Because what’s most important for you right now is protein in the mornings, and so if you do this – have my full blessing to enjoy those oats -  with butter, brown sugar and WALNUTS!”

(Gosh I love this woman!)

This left me feeling great because there’s no judgement, just encouragement, knowledge and therefore power  – and I now know the ONE thing that really is going to make the most difference...

....for me.

I can’t do all the fancy-pants overnight oats with grated zucchini and sunflower seeds and the like……I simply don’t have the time nor desire for it. That was clear from the start. (I was never gonna go there!)

However I definitely can do a smoothie or something simple. And that was our agreed plan.

But on those cold winter mornings, cold smoothies were way less appealing than a bowl of warming oats.

But adding a handful of walnuts? Sure, I can do that.

This brought home to me EXACTLY what I do with my clients.

When it comes to marketing, and getting your message out to more people there are a million things you “could” be focusing on.

All of which might work and make a difference.

But the challenge for most people is working out which is the ONE THING that’s going to make the most impact right now.

And like Susan, who knows exactly what my body needs based on my lifestyle and blood-tests and genetics etc – she can see things that I can’t see rather than me trying to figure it out on my own.

And I immediately could see, this is exactly what I do with my clients.

The best way to get the message out is going to vary person to person.

Based on a bunch of factors that usually I can see pretty easily – ‘cause I’ve been doing this for 25+ years.

So while I have a bunch of tried, tested and proven process – I also have the ability to customise and adapt these based on factors that as a professional brand strategist marketer for decades.

I “see”  things that others usually can’t. (especially when you're trying to do it yourself)

I was telling the clients in my “Marketing Me” Accelerator about my walnuts experience this week.

Recounting a conversation with a new client who had previously been trying to do “all the things” and who was feeling overwhelmed and frustrated.

I shared my oats story – and explained the “one thing” she needed to do was akin to my “just add walnuts” example.

She felt that weight drop off her shoulders.

It was so liberating.

And it’s become a beautiful way of highlighting this point.

My mission for all of my clients is that everyone knows the one thing they should focus on now, and why it’s important and how it's going to move the needle.

I’m opening up the next round of my “Marketing Me” Accelerator – and so if you don’t have clear and consistent messaging that influences and impacts the people you want to work with – this is for you.

It’s a 6-week immersive (and nurturing) experience that will take you from feeling insecure and unsupported around your marketing, to confident and energised.

It’s a small group and we go real deep, real fast, so you get real results.

Head over to

And as I close this one out today I’ll leave you with this thought….

People’s ability to absorb information in 2022 is at an all-time low.

Many have mentally “checked out” due to pandemic fatigue so don’t expect them to put in the effort trying to work out what you do, who you do it for and how you can help them.

You need to make it easy for them by being super clear with your messaging, and eliminating all the clutter, out while ensuring you don’t have mixed messages.

Chances are your business does a lot of things well, but audiences just can’t process that right now, and tough as it might be, you need to get clear on what is the ONE THING you want to be known for (and easily referrable for)?

That’s where the gold is.


Would you like insights like this in your inbox each week? I publish the best stuff to my email list first of all, and then eventually it finds its way onto the blog. So if you want in on the action and the best stuff ahead of the pack, click here now. 



Nina Christian is a Marketing & Brand Strategist who is all about doing marketing in a more connected and human way. She helps business leaders and social-change-makers use thought leadership content to build their authority and widen their impact.

She is the Director of Braveda, (est 2000), which was recognised as  "Best Marketing Agency" at the Australian Marketing Excellence Awards.

She is a Certified Practicing Marketer (CPM), a Fellow of the Australian Marketing Institute & AMI State Chair (Vic) and runs two businesses of her own.

She has a knack for simplifying the complex which comes from being a hands-on mum to five young children, and uses this to turn time-sucking activities into easy to follow systems and processes that get outcomes fast.

If you're in business or leadership I'd love to help you! Here's what we can do together. 

⭐️ Get your message in front of more of these "right people" consistently by creating high-quality content that stands out, is strategic and moves people towards you.

💥 Infusing the right energy into your brand so it has all the feels and draws in the right people.

⚙️ Set up rinse-and repeat-marketing systems that work, and just make life and business growth so much easier. 

There are different ways to work with me based on your situation and with all of them you'll see rapid transformation in a month (Hybrid 1:1/group program, 1:1 Intensive, team training, corporate workshop). Book a chat with me here.