How to find your business "sweet spot"

Oct 06, 2020

The year was 2001.  I vividly remember where I was and who I was with when I heard the term "sweet spot" for the very first time.

I had established my marketing agency Braveda the year before and was on-site with one of my first clients and their management consultant. 

He explained to the team present that a sweet spot originated from a tennis term when you find that perfect spot on the racket that is the easiest to hit and gives you the most control and power over the ball as you strike it. 

So while I "understood" the term, it wasn't until a decade and a half later it started to take on way more meaning in my own life. 

I finally came to realise that the ideal business (or profession) is one that strikes the right balance of:

πŸ‘‰ what you're good at
πŸ‘‰  what you enjoy
πŸ‘‰ what pays well
πŸ‘‰ what's in demand

And of course, laced through that is what is going to create impact and legacy.  But that probably also goes to what you enjoy, because it's deeply connected to your bigger purpose. 

Knowing vs Applying

While I did hear the term MUCH earlier - but there's a difference between mental assent i.e. agreeing at an intellectual level, and deeply embracing the concept to the point where it informs your actions, and you live from that place.

So I spent much of my professional life accepting that if I could achieve two of these that was "good enough" and I should be happy with that. 

As a result, I feel like I short-changed myself.

In some instances, probably my family too.

It wasn't always the same two or thee all the time.

Nope, I traversed all of them in-and-out in different seasons.

Sometimes doing what I didn't really love with all my heart, simply because it paid nicely. 

Other times, throwing caution to the wind and pursuing what I loved at all costs.

Then there were times I identified a very clear market need and went about solving it. 

Constantly yo-yo'ing between all of them repeatedly. 

But three years ago I set out a very clear intention that I wanted to pursue a professional life which would deliver all FOUR. 

No longer settling for two, or even three.

I can't say it happened overnight but eventually, it did, as I started to be intentional, and with each step (and equally each "mis-step", and there were plenty of those) took me closer to that reality. 

The journey will be different for everyone, but in case it helps you, are a few of the common things I've observed in everyone I know that lives this reality.

It has also been true for my own experience.

Contrary to what we are often led to believe, it is NOT:

❌More Hustle & Grind

❌ Trying to find that one silver-bullet tactic

❌ Finding a business guru who promises the world


Instead, it's way more about:

βœ”οΈ Leaning into the BELIEF that it's possible – for you!

βœ”οΈ Setting a clear INTENTION

βœ”οΈ MINDSET upgrades

βœ”οΈ SKILLSET upgrades

βœ”οΈ Backing yourself when you take big RISKS

βœ”οΈ See "failures" as doorways that will release new OPPORTUNITIES. (and boy have I had plenty of these in the last few years!

βœ”οΈ ENVIRONMENTS that will reinforce and reflect your new “normal”

βœ”οΈ Perseverance to keep your FOCUS where it needs to be

βœ”οΈ Patience to STAY THE COURSE.

Also - don't be fooled into thinking the whole process can be done and dusted in a few short weeks or months. Regardless of what anyone says.

It's likely to a journey of years - but like the saying says we overestimate what we can do in a week but underestimate what can be done in a year!

But here's the bottom line - if you never start you'll never get there.

And if I can help you in any way, I'd love to. I've learned so much through trial and error and am always happy to answer questions.  Post below!

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