How to Build a Strong Brand in 2021

business content entrepreneurship marketing online business systems thought leadership Nov 19, 2020

Some of us like to people watch...

And some of us like to brand watch...

I'll admit. I do a bit of both - hey, don't we all?

I've been a marketing professional for 20+ years, so it's always interesting to see what's new and trending. 

I feel like all of a sudden, people are just expected to show up online and automatically know how to brand themselves a pro.

Again, I've been in marketing for years and still learn new things every day. 

It's no secret that growing a strong brand online is super important. It's just a matter of knowing how to get started.

Now, you may be thinking to yourself...

"Okay Nina, enough chatting. I am ready to grow my brand!"

No need to worry - I've got you covered. Keep on reading to learn more.

Here are the 3 things you'll need to build a strong brand in 2021.

P.S. You are going to want to read this article until the very end. I've got a special surprise waiting for you. 


High Calibre Content:

There is so much to love about high calibre content. I could probably chat with you about it for hours. But today, we are just going to stick to the basics.

For those of you who don't know already, high calibre content is content that shows you are an expert in your field.

Having an awesome website isn't always enough to showcase your credibility and knowledge. That's where blogging and social media come into play. 

You never know - That one blog post you’ve been hesitant to publish may very well become viral! 


Aligned and Strategic Branding:

It takes more than a fancy logo and consistent HEX codes to brand yourself for success! 

Branding is all about how people resonate with you.

It's all about what you believe in, what you stand for, and how you make people feel. 

All you have to do is stay consistent and true to your values. 


Robust Marketing Systems:

I'll be honest. This tip is the most challenging of the three. 

Here's the deal. Having top-notch content and branding is not always enough to succeed.

You also need to have the right systems in place.

Having systems can help keep you on track and prevent burnout.

We are all human and can only remember so many things.

Before I had solid systems in place, I constantly felt exhausted and like I had no real rhythm.

It did take me some time to get into a groove; I am just glad I did. 

Now, you may be thinking, all of those tips sound great and all, but do they really work?

Well, once I started creating high calibre content, implemented solid branding and figured out a strong system, everything totally changed.

I'd like to tell you a little story...

Back in the day, I was a co-founder of an e-commerce startup. 

Journalists and media would constantly reach out to us, asking for interviews, which excited and scared me at the same time.

One day a journalist from the Australia Post reached out to me. Here's how our conversation went...

AP: "You know, I need some quotes for you.”


Nina: “I don't want my name out there because I am a very private person.


AP: “Well, we need to attribute these quotes to someone. How are you going to grow your brand?”

I don't even remember what made me change my mind, but I eventually told her she could publish my name.

That decision didn't come naturally. I am just glad I made it. If I continued on that path of fear, I don't think I would be where I am today.


What about you?

If you're looking to build your own thought leadership practice or personal brand, I've got some great news!

I recently completed a pretty cool guide called Your Roadmap to Becoming a Respected and Connected Thought Leader.

It'll teach you how to build your brand and market authority quickly, authentically and sustainably in as little as 90 days!

What are you waiting for? Grab it today!