Why I stopped Creating Content in 2021

content marketing content strategy thought leadership Mar 24, 2021

2021 has thrown some massive curved balls at me - especially in the area of physical & mental health, and family life.

So one of the decisions I made was to stop creating more new content.

I completely stopped the Livestreams, the Video recordings, the Blog writing, the events and more, temporarily, to take the pressure off.

No don't get me wrong, I've still been very visible online. And seen commercial return in that time. Probably more so than ever before.  

But in a different way. 

In fact if you know what I look like, you probably won't have any idea that I allowed my two young girls to play hairdresser and colour my hair pink, then brown - which sadly didn't wash out like it was supposed to and left me an awkward shade of orange.

But most people wouldn't know. 

Because I've shown up in a "different" way this year.

While the universe decided "now was the time" to smack me in the face with the repercussions of the trauma I've had to deal with in the last decade, I decided now is NOT the time for me to be showing up "as per usual" online.

When I'm ready, yes.

I'll share my battle scars, eventually. 

But while those are open, gaping wounds - that's a no-go zone for me. 

And pushing myself to show up and do stuff when I just wanted to crawl under the blankets and hid was the last thing I was going to do.

That said, going completely "offline" isn't something that would serve the big vision. (Nor would it serve me or my kids or the need to keep the show going! #realitylife)

Plus it goes against my core belief (apart from a few weeks each new year where I go tech-free to recharge and reset).

So instead, I decided to take a good dose of my own medicine. 

And also test out a theory I have held for a while, but didn't have the nerve to put to the test, until now. 

I put myself on a moratorium from creating any new thought leadership content. 

Fancy way of saying I'm not putting out anything NEW.

(the exception being showing up on Clubhouse when I feel like it, I did one blog post to document my experience about it - and showed up for podcast interviews I'd committed to, along with the occasional new social post if I felt so inclined).

Very different from my normal M.O.

And the outcome surprised me. 

As a creator, someone who loves expressing new ideas into the world. It was hard. I normally love sharing on videos and livestreams.

Documenting my experiences, and articulating my thoughts in lengthy written pieces.

But it was necessary to just STOP. Just for a season.

And it was liberating.  

And here's the thing:

It didn't affect my visibility and actually resulted in me having even "more" sales conversations.

Because I was still showing up, just in a "different" way.

So I wanted to share what I did that enabled me to be "more visible", attract more new leads than previously, even a bunch of new customers. 

In summary.....

Instead, of creating new content, I decided that I will draw on the repository of content I've built out last year, and use that to expand my reach and visibility.

Getting better leverage from my content creation efforts. 

You see the thing is, people expend so much energy creating new stuff, when they have gold sitting under their nose that they're not even using.

So I decided to flip the script. 

Dig into what I already have.

So I've still been posting videos, articles, even started a YouTube Channel and most importantly, finding new people I resonate with through my freebies and opt-ins.  

So here's my point.

Instead of exhausting yourself trying to produce "more", how about being more intentional about promoting what you already HAVE. 

You'll be surprised at what is sitting under your nose!

Which leads me to my last point.

Last year I created a new system that encapsulates this whole philosophy of leveraging what you have.

It's a system I created called the One-Hour-A-Week Content Amplifier. 

I didn't end up launching it, as my world went a bit crazy at the end of last year, but I beta-tested it, still made sales, had other people promoting it, even a few affiliates.

And I got feedback that the content was really good, super valuable. 

But like a lot of great information, for many people, it sat there in the to-do list. 

So I decided to create a workshop out of it, because information is great, but IMPLEMENTATION is where it's at. And you need to be motivated to do that.

And inspiring people to action is indeed one of my superpowers (just being real)

I want people to see that building authority and credibility online, and a consistent online presence, is do-able, completely achievable, actually.

And doesn't have to be this mammoth task.

In fact, You'll be amazed at what you can do when you set aside an hour a week - and get laser-focused on the things that are going to make a difference.

So - if you want to get better at promoting and leveraging what you already HAVE.....

...if you want someone to show you exactly what to do and how to do it, and give you a step-by-step plan......

...I've just announced a brand new 2-hour no-fluff workshop that will show you how to get your EXISTING content in front of 10x more people in just an hour a week….


….without exhausting yourself producing truckloads of new content


….without paying for ads,


….without resorting to sleazy, icky marketing tactics that don’t feel good.

then feel free to head on over and grab it here.


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Whether you're building a brand for a business, or a personal brand, I have a wide range of free resources, low-cost classes, agency services, as well as opportunities with me one-on-one for a full day to help you hit your next big marketing goal. 

Drop me a note using the Message Feature at the bottom of the page and I'll point you in the right direction!