Because professional is always personal

content strategy thought leadership Dec 13, 2023

 “Life by Design” is a phrase we hear frequently, and often aspire to, but to experience this we need to factor in both the professional AND the personal - as well as how they interact and support each other!

This whole blog came about in the most surprising of ways. I mentioned in passing during a voicemail exchange with a very bright young man who is a client and someone I’ve mentored professionally for years, that I feel called to start doing some personal mentoring.

He was palpably excited about this and asked me if I could tell him how it came about and if I could share the story of what prompted me to do this.

It was good timing as I’d just sat down to have my morning coffee after my personal training session, so while I was enjoying my cappuccino I sent him this voice message.

“Life by Design” is a phrase we hear frequently, and often aspire to, and for the last few years it’s truly been my reality.

That’s not to say there aren’t big challenges – we all have them – but it does mean that even in and through all of these, I’m very happy with the life I’ve very intentionally created

A vibrant, thriving life that has space for all the things that are important to me - family, business, love, health, fun, adventure, friendships, travel and self-care.

It’s come through considerable life experience - and I’m familiar with the creation and application of it in so many different life stages -

Being intentionally child-free / starting a family.

Raising healthy Babies/toddlers/primary/teenagers

Single parenting / Co-parenting

Marriage / Separation / Happily single / In-love

Emergence / Trauma / Grief / Healing / Growth

Entrepreneurship / Business / Job / Social Impact

People frequently ask me how I do it.

I’m definitely no superwoman.

Nor am I a hard-ass.

On the contrary, I’m very sensitive, emotional, wear my heart on my sleeve and care deeply.

However I’m smart, strategic, and with five children to provide for and care for, I have created structures that support the life I desire and the spaciousness I crave.

It’s come through being curious, inquisitive, being crystal clear on my priorities, believing for better, making choices in alignment with the life I desire, and not settling for a status quo that doesn’t serve or support my life goals.

I make things extremely practical, do-able, and adaptable to the season of life I’m in at any given time.

I share quite a bit about this in my blogs and emails - which I constantly get a lot of feedback.

But there’s so much more, and so I’ve decided to pull back the curtain, go deep, and run “life on your terms” and do some personal mentoring in 2024.

It’ll be intimate, personal, and tailored to your specific situation, goals and lifestyle.

There will be 1:1 mentoring, coaching, masterminds, personalised resources, and me working with you individually on what you need to help you structure your life and business and thrive.

Practical and emotional support as you go through the ins and outs of life.

It’ll look different for everyone. Depending on where you’re at and where you want to go.

Implanting subtle shifts that cumulatively will change your trajectory and life as you know it.

We can look at business, strategy, home life, routines, boundaries, self-care, confidence - basically living into your fullest potential.

it’s not the individual parts that are so important in achieving this “life by design”. It’s the way they integrate, morph and meld together.

The approach of being a scientist, constantly conducting experiments and leaning into what works for your personality and family and business lifestyle.

What we do will be what you most need, drawing from the following toolkit and "life skillset" I’ve developed:

Structure that Serves You

Flexibility that Frees You

Business that Blesses You

Family that Flows

Habits that Heal

Experiences that Energise

Legacy that Lasts

It’s not an overnight thing. It’s a process. But it’s exciting. Where you can make huge shifts within a quarter and see massive progress each year.

The investment will be in the mid four-figures and the initial period will run for a minimum of 3 months.

I’ve had the feeling for about six years now that I’d one day like to do something like this. And I feel now is the time to put it out there for a select few

This is not for everyone, and my Marketing Me Workshops and Programs will continue to be my primary focus in 2024.

However I would very much love to take a few people on a personal journey alongside of that. 

This is the first time I’ve felt ready to go deep into the details and structures that have helped me curate the business of my dreams, family of my dreams and life of my dreams.

How do be ok with mess and not expect perfection - because that doesn’t exist. But we can get much better at turning mess into magnificence, and latent potential into possibility realised, and potent impact.

And ultimately, a happier, more joyful, ease-full and fulfilled life.

We can start now to help you glide out of this year feeling confident about your plan and priorities for what’s ahead - and I"ll help you use the holiday break very intentionally to go to a new level of clarity for the next chapter of your life.  

From personal experience, I have found the end-of-year period to be the most profound of all times in the year for facilitating big shifts with so much ease and spaciousness, and I'd love to help you do that.   

Or we start get you underway in new year after the break. Whatever best suits your personality and appetite for change and growth!

If you’d like to know more you can listen in to the the voice message I recorded recently, and if you’re interested in something like this send a DM please reach out to me.   

Would love to support you in 2024! 

Next week I'll be back with my usual insights around all things personal branding, positioning, content, and where marketing is going in 2024.

But sometimes it's important to act on a prompt - and I felt strongly to do this today.

Because especially when we are personal brands - the personal and professional are inextricably linked.

And even if we don't have a personal brand - our personal and professional lives intertwine and everything is related - what happens personally has a big influence on our work, our aspirations and our dreams.  And we all want to be the best we can be!

Thanks again for being reading this and being a part of my community.

Stay tuned for more goodness and some very practical insights and inspiration I have in store for you next week!



Nina Christian is a Marketing Futurist & Global Marketing Mentor who helps people do their marketing in a more human way. 

She is a Certified Practicing Marketer (CPM), Life Member and Fellow of the Australian Marketing Institute & AMI State Chair (Vic) and for 20 years was director of Braveda (Winner, Best Marketing Agency, Australian Marketing Excellence Awards).

Several years ago Nina saw the world of marketing shifting – this time as people became their own brands.  With this, she created a new business as a thought leader, combining her expertise in brand building with personal positioning, resulting in a breakthrough praxis known as Marketing Me™.

She has a knack for simplifying the complex which comes from being a hands-on mum to five children, and uses this to turn time-sucking activities into easy-to-follow systems and processes that make a lot of sense and get outcomes fast.

There are different ways to work with Nina based on your situation and organisation size - with all of them you'll see rapid transformation and tangible outcomes fast. Book a chat with Nina here.